Speedy and Fastnet are the largest internet service provider (ISP) in Indonesia.
Speedy from PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk (Telkom), a public company. While Fastnet from Firstmedia, own by Lippo, a private company.
I have used both of them.
First, i used Speedy, with Prolink wireless modem. The priced at that time was Rp. 200.000,00 for 2 Gb. I used Speedy from 2003-2007. At that time, i didn't know about how to download big files like movies, songs etc. I just know how to play friedster, search beautiful images, or search the medical info. So i think, 2 Gb is enough.
From i started using speedy,
my internet connection wasn't so fast. Yaah, i think that's because speedy is used by many many and many people. Until one day, that
my internet can't connect. That happened
1-2 weeks. I called the speedy to come to my house and they're really really not responsible. After calling them many times, they finally came and repair the connection.
This happened about 5 times, but because there isn't any big ISP in Indonesia, we (me and my sister) decided to use Speedy again.
About 2007, i heard there are new ISP in Jakarta name Fastnet. Once, i still don't believe that ISP. Until one day, i speak to my friend, Wongky. He said he had joint Fastnet, and really satisfied with their service. I started to use Fastnet, and now i really satisfied with their service. I use Fastnet 768 kb, Rp. 300.000,00 a monhth.
I never have any problem until now.
To compare Speedy and Fastnet:
Speedy 1. All area in Indonesia (the area that have a phone connection)
2. Limited until 2 Gb
3. Personal, Rp. 200rb
4. Many problems
Fastnet1. Only in Jakarta & Surabaya (must have a broadband connection)
2. Unlimited
3. Personal, 4 price (from Rp. 125rb - Rp. 1 jt)
4. No problem!
If you ask me about Speedy and Fastnet, i will advice you to use Fastnet. Until now, they are "top markotop.."