Tuesday, November 17, 2009

New iPod

I've just bought iPod 4th generation. Bought it at "Pameran Indocomtech" last week...
I bough it for my mom (huhuhu... not for me).

I am really a "gaptek man". Don't know what to do with the iPod coz it's really new for me.
Just install the iTunes and have to learn bout everything new...
This is the iPod i've bought... The blue one, coz the black n silver one is finished aka "habis mbo".

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Competence test aka UKDI

I have done my competence test aka UKDI. Oh my, it's very hard...
We were given 200 minutes to do 200 questions.
The question was very long (which sometimes unimportant) and we must find one important word to answer the question...

Oh my oh my. I became a spongebob......... :(

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Now i pronounced you ..........

Yup, since yesterday, i am already a medical doctor.

But, can i do something with my "MD" degree?
Can i save people who get the stroke or heart attack?

What's next?
I hate this question, because i don't know the answer. I only can "ngemeng" if someone ask me this question.

But i have to think and act about that question. I have thought that, but i think i must go step by step.

Finally, halo TS!!! wkwkwk......

ps: sori gw dah lama ga ngupdate blog. Ntar abis ukdi bakal diupdate lebih sering :)