Tuesday, September 8, 2009


"The night is darkest just before the dawn.
And I promise you, the dawn is coming."

Harvey Dent, Two Face

Monday, September 7, 2009

Our junior!!

Would you like to see videos made by our junior?

I smile and laugh a lot, especially when watching Saung Petarung hehehehe.

This is his site: http://www.youtube.com/user/jasoniskandarfilm

Selamat menonton! AMDG!!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

UNESCO: Batik is Original Heritage of Indonesia

(title from http://blogirawan.blogspot.com/2009/06/unesco-batik-is-original-heritage-of.html)

Today i receive a message about UNESCO will officially announce that Batik is original heritage of Indonesia.

Sometimes, i don't like Batik. Why? Because if i go to the party, there are many people using Batik. I don't like Batik because it appears unformal (from my view) although in fact Batik is formal. In my imagination, i really happy if the party is full of people with coat.

Despite my imagination, i really love Batik. Batik is Indonesia. Its variety of color compare to coat which usually black ("Hitam lagi, hitam laaagi..."). It is made of some material that fit with our sunny climate (can you imagine someone wearing coat in our climate...). Nowadays, its models can be used for work, for shopping, for walking, etc.

Viva Batik. Viva Indonesia!!

Speedy Vs Fastnet

Speedy and Fastnet are the largest internet service provider (ISP) in Indonesia.

Speedy from PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk (Telkom), a public company. While Fastnet from Firstmedia, own by Lippo, a private company.

I have used both of them.

First, i used Speedy, with Prolink wireless modem. The priced at that time was Rp. 200.000,00 for 2 Gb. I used Speedy from 2003-2007. At that time, i didn't know about how to download big files like movies, songs etc. I just know how to play friedster, search beautiful images, or search the medical info. So i think, 2 Gb is enough.

From i started using speedy, my internet connection wasn't so fast. Yaah, i think that's because speedy is used by many many and many people. Until one day, that my internet can't connect. That happened 1-2 weeks. I called the speedy to come to my house and they're really really not responsible. After calling them many times, they finally came and repair the connection.

This happened about 5 times, but because there isn't any big ISP in Indonesia, we (me and my sister) decided to use Speedy again.

About 2007, i heard there are new ISP in Jakarta name Fastnet. Once, i still don't believe that ISP. Until one day, i speak to my friend, Wongky. He said he had joint Fastnet, and really satisfied with their service. I started to use Fastnet, and now i really satisfied with their service. I use Fastnet 768 kb, Rp. 300.000,00 a monhth. I never have any problem until now.

To compare Speedy and Fastnet:
1. All area in Indonesia (the area that have a phone connection)
2. Limited until 2 Gb
3. Personal, Rp. 200rb
4. Many problems

1. Only in Jakarta & Surabaya (must have a broadband connection)
2. Unlimited
3. Personal, 4 price (from Rp. 125rb - Rp. 1 jt)
4. No problem!

If you ask me about Speedy and Fastnet, i will advice you to use Fastnet. Until now, they are "top markotop.."

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Hello... I only wanna say: "This is my 1st post...." :)