Monday, January 25, 2010

Which football club do you like??

If you ask that question to me, i will answer: the one and only: AC MILAN!!!

If you ask why, i can't answer.

I learn to love football at france world cup '98. I already watch the 94 world cup, which Italy versus Brazil at the final. I watched Baggio's penalty, and don't know why I cried... I am just 10 years old at that time.

Maybe because of that, I learn to love Italy as national team.

Why AC Milan? Maybe because at that time, in Italy there are only 2 teams: Juve and AC Milan. I choose Milan, and hate Juventus.

I still have an imagination of my mind when Weah, Bierhoff, Maldini, Rossi and Leonardo (now coach of Milan) were playing. I still have an imagination when Indonesian TV like RCTI, SCTV or TransTV relay that competition.

Ah, just a memory....

So, which football club do you like??


  1. Ajax.

    because they have invaded and conquered us so long, I have grown fond of them.

  2. persija because it's the only team i've ever watch live and traumatize me so much.

  3. hahahaha...

    it's a war zone out there.
    Indonesian football players and spectators are trained berserkers.

  4. aaargh.. sebeeel
    ***my internet connection was off twice when I write this comment..
    So i must write this comment for the 3rd time.. sh*t.

    @hub: ajax? it's a good team since 10 years ago. but now...
    I agree bout Indonesia football as a warzone. Its realy dangerous to watch..

    @persija lover: hahahaa...
    btw i have never see football match live. its a pity on me. :(

  5. wtf are you talking about.. i watch the persija about 11-12 years ago and I say that they are dangerous that time.. senayan is a riot zone that time.. lucky i'm just a tiny chinese kid if i'm bigger i'll be a victim of racism-football riot. considering the opponent are from persib bandung. but hey let's just beat the chinesse eh? fuck indons! huheheuehuehehehehe

  6. @all: sorry oot... want to know, is my post "masturbation" deleted or what?

    Somehow its lost from the blog..
